
SANS SEC 504 - Winning the SEC 504 CTF Challenge Coin

Over the summer I had the opportunity to take the SANS SEC 504 course taught by Mick Douglas (amazing instructor by the way) in the 6 long days in the course I would learn these five concepts and run labs that are more hands on to help with seeing how these concepts work from a Defender standpoint but also the Attacker standpoint:

Incident Response and Cyber Investigations

In this section of the course we covered a variety of topics such as, Incident Response, Digital Investigations, Live Examination, Network Investigations, Memory Investigations, Malware Investigations, and Cloud Investigations.

Paired with 5 Live Exercises going over the following in order respectively:

  • Live Windows examination
  • Network investigation
  • Memory investigation
  • Malware investigation
  • Cloud investigation

Recon, Scanning, and Enumeration Attacks

Important: This is a work in progress and will be updated soon

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